Monday, May 21, 2012

So...remember on Friday when I said : Andrew is picking me up and we are going to run some errands. We are also going to make our way to Ontario and get some free prizes I won in a raffle thing-a-ma-gig. We will grab some grub and maybe I will convince him to buy me some BOBA! :)

Well that is not exactly how the day unfolded but this is! My weekend in pictures!
Tokoyo Teriyaki 

All dolled up to pick up my prizes! 
However, that is NOT what happened.

Here is the low down: Jessica and Kevin invited us on a triple date to Pho and we could not resist the good friends and food. Sooo...We ditched the prizes because YOLO and I am pretty sure when I get to heaven God is not going to be worried about some rings, coupons, ect. Yeah, I think we made the right choice.

Continuing on, this is where the story gets funny...because me and Andrew were dressed up all fancy we didnt want to arrive at Pho looking like models so we headed to the nearest Target to find me something casual...I found a dress on clearance and ran to the dressing room. I walk out to show Andrew the dress, he approves, and asks the lady if I can wear it out of the store.I was like, no way! That isn't possible! But I was WRONG. The lady said I could BUT she had to escort us to the counter to pay! haha (there is a first time for everything right?!) On the way to the counter, Andrew tells me he found a nice purse for me while browsing and proceeds to go and grab it. (The lady that was with us was ouhh-ing and aww-ing about how sweet he was for getting me a purse to match my dress) We check out and shopping was a SUCCESS! :)

We hurried to Pho and enjoyed the time out with friends! If you havent tried Pho, you need to ASAP!

Fire couples right here: Micah and Melissa (and Ellie), Jessica and Kevin, Andrew and Me!
After Pho, we went to Micah and Melissa's house. The boys watched the game and I played with their new bunny, Princess Leia! She is so cute and fluffy, I was going to die!! 

Saturday was filled with relaxing, some Medea, taquitos, Andrew's dad coming home after his surgery, home fellowship, and a friend-ly gathering at ihop! 

Home Fellowship! 
Midnight snack @ ihop after worship! 

Sunday was filled with a chaotic trip to Target, Carl's Jr., Huntington Beach with friends, two softball games, and Molca Salsa. 

Huntington Beach! 
Andrew being sweet. :)

Well that's all folks! Have a Happy Monday! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Although I went to bed rather early, I COULD NOT wake up this morning. I kept flipping over on the couch, which is my awesome new bed until further notice, and covering my face with blankets! Because like in the Wizard of Oz,  I might melt in the sunlight. (haha) Everyone else in the house was moving, getting ready for something. Dakota and Sawyer for school and my aunt Jamie for a women's conference, the horse was galloping around and every ten minutes would find her way back to my face because apparently sleep was not an option and she wanted me up! 
But I am happy to say, I RESISTED and "slept" in till 10! wahooo. :)

After waking up I turned on the shower, grabbed a bowl of lucky charms, and waited until the water heated up which takes forever! Seriously, my only motivation to wake up early this summer will be to not smell like BO and look like a bum all day at work! I like to think that showering will help draw customers in and not be repulsed by my stench. ;)

Speaking of work, I got everything cleared yesterday! I will be working at Knott's Berry Farm, not Soak City, at a place called Topper's Hat Shop! I mean out of all the places, I find it funny that the Lord put me here at one of the most fun places to shop at. If Topper's is anything like Disneyland's Hat Shop, there is a lot of silliness to be seen and a lot of cool hats to sell! I received my uniform which consists of a red shirt, khaki pants, black socks, black shoes, and a rather nifty name tag! Oh yeah, I will be looking rather dapper. I will start training next Tuesday and finish on Wednesday night. Hopefully, I start work soon after that! :) 

I also made my first bike ride to Knott's today. It takes about fifteen minutes with all the traffic lights which isn't bad at all. I know it is random but if you can be in prayer for my safety to and from work, I would appreciate it. It is an easy ride and all but I did have some anxiety riding there today. I think the men that looked at me and honked/yelled things out the window started it. It made me feel unsafe and nervous because you never know a person's intention or what they can do. I'm going to have Andrew take me to buy some pepper spray this weekend so that I have some form of defense if an issue were to arise. 

So what am I doing today, you ask?
-Heading off to spend some time with Jesus.
-Then, Andrew is picking me up and we are going to run some errands. We are also going to make our way to Ontario and get some free prizes I won in a raffle thing-a-ma-gig. We will grab some grub and maybe I will convince him to buy me some BOBA! :)

Anyways, have a wonderful day/night SUNSHINE! Let your light shine! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Lesson learned today:

Blessings are God's greatest tools in teaching and our greatest gifts in learning. They test our hearts, stretch our faith, grow our trust, and expand our understanding of the character and nature of God.

Well, well, well. Look what we have here! 
A dusty, old blog that has not had attention in weeks! 

Well, I am happy to announce that the cobwebs are coming off and this blog is going to get some summer lovin'....starting NOW!

So what do you get when you cross a college student who has lots of free time because it is finally summer break!? L.I.F.E and a lot of it!

Yes! As of yesterday, I now live in Buena Park!! :) 

Friends, I cannot tell you how blessed and excited I am to be living with my aunt and her family. I mean, I finally have"younger siblings" for once in my life, they have a horse (a.k.a Jasmine, she is a Great Dane but seriously could classify as a horse because she is huge! haha), and live 2 miles away from.....


As some of you know, I will be working there this summer! (woohoo, hooray, *hand clap*)
This is a huge blessing because I can walk/ride my bike to work, get to tag-a-long with my aunt and her family this summer, AND I live super close to Andrew and his super awesome friends. :D

Speaking of top off this amazing move...

I got to spend the night at the beach with Andrew, Rafi, Aaron, Erickson, David, Josh, Kelly, and Megan, who absolutely love the Lord with all their soul. We roasted mallows, listened to David worship, prayed for Josh, laughed with Erickson, told stories, and made our way to In N Out for some grub. Yes, being around them is a B-E-A-utiful thing to say the least. I mean, you should come to La Habra and taste some of the sweetest pieces of heaven. You will definitely want more, which is why, I am so excited to get to be around them this summer!!

Any-who, I guess I shall go....


                          *Andrew and Me! Not so glamorous but still in love <3 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Dear future me,
You are the fruit of what we are planting right now, of what He is growing in me. You are all of my hopes and dreams made manifest. You are proof to others that He never forgets His promises. You are the proof of things hoped for and the evidence of the unseen.